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Oxford, Oxfordshire - A City of Two Halves

Oxford, Oxfordshire is both a district town and city that is situated in the Southeast of England. Two streams, Thames and Cherwell, go through
the city and meet in the southern parts. Oxford was at one time known as Oxenaforda and was under the control of Saxons. The name is a blend of Ford and Ox. 

Oxford, Oxfordshire started when the St Frideswides cloister was worked in the eighth century and is referenced in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle. Afterward, in the tenth century it turned into a noteworthy military town that was attacked much of the time by Danes. 

The town is obviously most acclaimed for its University of Oxford that appears to have been established in the twelfth century. The University's first schools included University College, Balliol and furthermore Merton. Be that as it may, in the early pieces of the sixteenth century both Cambridge and Oxford were crushed by a pandemic of perspiring ailment that put a conclusion to around 50% of the two city's populaces in which numerous wears and understudies too lost their lives. 

It was Henry T Hare that fabricated the Town Hall in the later piece of the seventeenth century. Notwithstanding, in the early pieces of the twentieth century Oxford started to see mechanical development thus numerous a distributing and printing enterprises was conceived which at that point ended up perpetual. It was likewise in this city that the Morris Motor Company was conceived. 

The city was destined to be partitioned into two primary parts with one being the college part and the other was the vehicle town. Be that as it may, towards the finish of the twentieth century the city saw numerous positions being lost and British Leyland too started to lose its place as the pride of British vehicle industry. 

The most well known occasion in the citys history was without uncertainty the day (sixth May, 1954) when Roger Banister ran the mile in under five minutes and this was accomplished by him on the Iffley Road track in Oxford.

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موقع الشروق مختص في مجال التكنلوجيا و التقنيات و كل ما يخص الهواتف الذكية و الحواسيب ، و هدفنا هو تصحيح االأفكار و الدروس الخاطئة في المحتوى العربي عن طريق دروس و حلقات في قناتنا على اليوتيوب ، كما يسهر على إشراف و سير الموقع الشاب المصرى ' محمد هانى ' الذي يحييكم و يشجعكم على الزيارة الدائمة و الإشتراك في موقعنا للتوصل بكل جديد منا .

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